NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Section A - General Provisions1. Each Party shall reduce its most-favored-nation rate of duty applicable to a good provided for under the tariff provisions set out in Tables 308.1.1 and 308.1.2 in Section 8 to the rate set out therein, to the lowest rate agreed by any Party in the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, or to such reduced rate as the Parties may agree, in accordance with the schedule set out in Section B, or with such accelerated schedule as the Parties may agree. 2. Notwithstanding Chapter Four (Rules of Origin), when the most-favored-nation rate of duty applicable to a good provided for under the tariff provisions set out in Table 308.1.1 in Section B conforms with the rate established under paragraph 1, each Party shall consider the good, when imparted into its territory from the territory of another Party, to be an originating good. 3. A Party may reduce in advance of the schedule set out in Table 308.1.1 or Table 308.1.2 in Section B, or of such accelerated schedule as the Parties may agree, its most- favored-nation rate of duty applicable to any good provided for under the tariff provisions set out therein, to the lowest rate agreed by any Party in the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, or the rate set out in Table 308,1,1 or 308.I.2, or to such reduced rate as the Parties may agree. 4. For greater certainty, most favoured rate of duty does not include any other concessionary rate of duty. Section B - Rates of Duty and Schedule for ReductionTable 308.1.1Automatic Data Processing
Digital Processing Units
Input or Output Units
Display Units
Other Input or Output Units
Storage Units
Other units of Automatic Data Processing Machines
Parts of Computers
Computer Power Supplies
Table 308.1.2Metal. Oxide Varistors
Diodes Transistors and Similar