Renewal of SFCR licences and Work Shift Documents
Renewal of SFC licences
Many Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) licences will expire January 15, 2023, if they are not renewed before then. Others will expire in the days and weeks that follow, and will need to be renewed before their expiration date.
Stakeholders continue to be encouraged to renew their licences early to ensure they do not expire and to allow for uninterrupted licensed business activities. Generic renewal messages are sent to industry through My CFIA, These messages are sent to each SFC-licensed party 60, 30 and 15 days prior to the expiry of their SFC licence.
To help ensure inspectors only issue export certificates to licensed businesses, the NCP issues a weekly report to the Areas, typically every Monday, that identifies businesses whose licences have expired or are close to expiry.
If you have any questions, please use the regular communication channels.
Key points for industry related to SFC licence renewal:
. If an SFC licence expires, the affected business:
. will have to re-apply for a licence and will be issued a new licence number, which may disrupt their business activities including the ability to request export certification as export eligibility lists will need to be updated with the new licence number
. will not be permitted to conduct activities that were previously permitted under their SFC licence, in accordance with the Safe Food for Canadians Act
. may be subject to enforcement actions and removal from export eligibility lists.
. There is no penalty for renewing early. The renewed licence will remain valid for two years as of the original expiry date.
. When renewing a licence, businesses should review their Party Profile to ensure all information is up-to-date and accurate. If any changes were made, businesses are to ensure that their Party Profile is Validated.
Work Shift Documents
For licenced meat establishments that require a work shift document, a new work shift document must be completed and distributed, prior to the expiry date, as per section 6.2 of the Operational guideline: Work shift document (Form CFIA/ACIA 5712) (please note section 6.2.3 has been amended).
